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First Time Teaching Experience

*Finally it's finished after I abandoned it for a few months. Lol.*

The first time I got this news, I was shocked.

The first time I knew I had to teach 2 classes, I wanted to pass out.

This was tiring yet an amazing experience.

Management Class

This teaching practice was a part of the requirement in one of the subject in 5th semester. In case you don't know, I took TESOL as my concentration.

Before the teaching, we needed to prepare everything we wanted to discuss in the class. Although there was PPT given, we couldn't just depend on that. We needed to add some materials to fulfill 100 minutes for each meeting. Well, sometimes I was lazy to make another activities. 😂 Sometimes I just discussed from the PPT and that was it. After finishing the material, I just let them go back home. Lol. But seriously, this was not an easy task.

Oh, by the way, the subject that I taught was Pre-EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and the classes were Management evening class and IT.

Management Class

The first time I stepped into the first class (management), my heart was pounding really hard. My body and voice were shaking. I was really afraid and nervous at that time. I didn't know whether the students realized it or not (I hope they didn't). Same as management class, when I stepped into IT class, everything that happened the night before, happened in the next day. However, as the time went by, I could overcome my nervousness in front of them.

There was a time when I wanted to leave the class and never go back to teach them again.

Sometimes the students made me want to punch the wall. At the beginning, I still struggled to control the students. Since I didn't have any experience at all, I didn't know how to do it correctly. Every time I asked whether they still had a question or not or the explanation was clear enough or not, nobody responded. I needed to repeat like few times until they responded. But thankfully, this problem could be solved. I think the key for this is knowing the students well first. Maybe the way I taught made them really bored and didn't really attract their attention.

IT Class

If I want to describe the students, I will say they were wild and crazy.

Sometimes, I needed to shout loudly since there was no microphone in the class. They were sometimes (or mostly? 😂) really noisy and after teaching was done, I got a sore-throat. Sometimes they made me laugh. When I got mad, they could lighten the situation by making some jokes. Yeah, sometimes I couldn't be mad at all. 

All of my misery during the teaching practice was paid off. I am really grateful I could experience this. It really does help improving my public speaking. Sometimes I was really nervous talking in front of many people. But that anxiety fades away as the time goes by, thanks to this experience. Also, thanks to all students who had made me annoyed, exhausted, and laughed. You guys are superb!!


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