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Goodbye 5th Semester

It felt like yesterday since I wrote my 4th semester moment in June and now it's December! Time does fly so fast! 

My 5th semester had just finished, which means there are still 2 semesters left to be fought for. This semester had become the craziest semester so far, but thankfully I can survive. Let's take a look what I'd been doing in this semester.


This always happens in every semester. The difference was only we need to do it alone. Since we are only 5 people, the possible way was individual presentation. This presentation was on ESL Teacher Knowledge subject. 

First Presentation

We just previewed the material briefly (we got the similar material in the previous semester) and did some activities related to the topic. We did the presentation twice: before and after midterm. It wasn't easy to prepare this presentation. We needed to prepare well before the D-day by creating some stuff that would be used during the presentation. This time we needed to be as creative as we could to make the creative activities in the class which must also involve all students.

Second Presentation

Educational Psychology

Mid and final test for this subject were a project. Observing a class and interviewing a teacher was for  our mid test, while teaching in formal or informal school was for final test. Observing and interviewing were not that hard but teaching was another level.

Observing a Class

I had never done teaching in front of so many children before so that was really tough. No to mention I was not that good with children. Before I did the teaching project, I planned to do my internship at kindergarten or elementary school and now, I think I should reconsider my decision. Lol. Actually I haven't got a place to do my internship. But if I get young learner again, I won't decline it. Maybe with a lot of practice I could do a good job in front of children. Haha!

Teaching Young Learners

South East Asian Intercollegiate Seminar

I don't know how to describe this event. We expected much from this event but it wasn't like we expected. Anyway, one thing I know for sure is we don't need to imitate native when we speak in English. 👌


Piano Recital

UDE 2014 batch had a chance to watch Alessandro Martire's performance at Instituto Italiano di Cultura Jakarta. This was a part of English for Business purposes class. The main purpose we visited the recital was because the lecturer wanted us to mingle and get to know new people. She urged us to do a small talk and we needed to know at least 3 new people from there. I didn't get used to it so it was really awkward as hell.

Martire's Performance

That was my first time watching the recital and it was amazing. Alessandro had succeeded melting my heart that night. Everyone also seemed to enjoy his performance. I'm glad that we could visit and watch piano recital for the first time. One of the memorable moment.

Teaching Practice

Save the last for the best! This is probably the best moment and experience from this semester. There were two classes that I taught: Management evening class and IT. This experience has improved my public speaking a lot. When I was teaching for the first time in Management class, I was really afraid I couldn't do it or I didn't know what to do in class. I know it's silly. I was just afraid I couldn't teach them well. Same as IT class. But in the end, it went well. I also got many feedback from them. Thanks guys!

That's the moments and experiences I'd been doing in this semester. Still really grateful that I can pass this stressful semester. 🙏 Hopefully the others and I still can survive till the end. 

TESOL Students with Ms. Ignas

Happy Holiday!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)


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