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My Short Story

It’s been a long time since I posted in this blog. What’s up everybody? Lol. 

So, I’m going to post my short story, the title is Amanda’s Happiness. I made it for my final project in one of my classes, Introduction to Literature. The story is 17 pages long and actually I feel the story is too abrupt. Yes, because the limit is only 20 pages, so I tried my best to make it short. I will post the first two pages only because I think 17 pages is too long. 

This is my first short story with English and guess what, I really like this story. I will continue to make this story and hopefully I could finish it until the end. I hope my laziness will not come while I continue making this story. Andddddddd I wish I could publish it. :D I've already made a new title for the longer version, but I won’t tell you. Ha! So, I hope you enjoy it. And I’m sorry for my bad English because I’m still learning. By the way, Happy New Year!

Amanda’s Happiness

“Dad, when will we arrive at Aunt Carol’s?” I ask my father. 

“Soon, honey,” my dad says.

“Don’t you think we should stop for a while?” My mom asks dad. “The rain is so big, it’s so dangerous,” she continues.

“Don’t worry, Mary, we almost arrive there. It is more dangerous if we stop now,” my Dad answers Mom’s question.

“Quickly, Dad, I can’t wait to see the baby,” I say to my dad. My mom and my dad look at me through the rearview mirror and smile. Suddenly, the car slips. My mom screams my name loudly. I don’t know what happen next because the darkness has pulled me through.

I wake up and scream. I scream till my lung hurts. Then I cry. Why? Why does that dream always haunt me every day? I hate it. I hate it till I want to rip my head out and burn that memory in the fireplace. That was my fault. If I didn’t ask my dad to come to Aunt Carol’s house, that accident wouldn’t happen. I try to reach my medicine and swallow it.

“What’s wrong, Amy? Bad dream again?” Aunt Carol comes to my room.

I just nod. I don’t need to explain it again to her,she already knows it. 

“Did you take the meds?” 

I nod again. 

She takes a deep breath. “Here, drink the water and go back to sleep. Okay?” 

I take the glass and drink it. She hates it when I take the medicine; she says if I take the meds regularly, I will be dependable on it. But the meds is the only way that I can tune out that dream. That’s why I always take it. I got it from my psychiatrist, Mrs. Blake. Actually she has stopped giving me that meds a few years ago. So, I buy it by my own and Mrs. Blake doesn’t know about it. Aunt Carol is the only one that knows and I beg her not to tell Mrs. Blake. If she tells her, I’m in the big trouble. 

I hate that lady actually, but she is the only psychiatrist in this town, so I don’t have any choice. I still need to see her though. Even though it’s not like I was seven. I just need to see her once a month to see my progress.

“What time is it?” I ask her and whip my nose.

“It’s two o’clock. Just go back to sleep, baby doll.” Even though I’m 20 right now, but she still calls me a baby doll, like I was still seven years old. She kisses my forehead and leaves my room. Then I close my eyes, wishing that I don’t get the same dream again.



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