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Showing posts from 2016

Goodbye 5th Semester

It felt like yesterday since I wrote my 4th semester moment in June and now it's December! Time does fly so fast!  My 5th semester   had just finished, which means there are still 2 semesters left  to be fought for. This semester had become the craziest semester so far, but thankfully I can survive. Let's take a look what I'd been doing in this semester. Presentation This always happens in every semester. The difference was only we need to do it alone. Since we are only 5 people, the possible way was individual presentation. This presentation was on ESL Teacher Knowledge subject.  First Presentation We just previewed the material briefly (we got the similar material in the previous semester) and did some activities related to the topic. We did the presentation twice: before and after midterm. It wasn't easy to prepare this presentation. We needed to prepare well before the D-day by creating some stuff that would be used during the presentation. Th...

Perjuangan Tujuh Hari

Sudah satu bulan hubunganku dengan Magnus berakhir. Satu bulan yang sangat berat bagiku. Aku ingin sekali menghubunginya, tapi takut dia tidak akan mau menanggapiku. Ini benar-benar membuatku muak! Seharusnya aku tidak menemui vampir itu. Aku seharusnya tidur dan bersantai dengan Magnus di apartemennya. Aku ingin membunuh vampir sialan itu, tapi sayangnya vampir kecil itu telah mendahuluiku. Sampai sekarang aku masih tidak menyangka vampir setua Camille dapat dibunuh oleh vampir muda seperti Maureen. “Alec?” Izzy membuka pintu kamarku. “Apakah kau tidak bisa mengetuk terlebih dahulu?” tanyaku sambil memejamkan mata. “Oh, ayolah. Biasanya juga kau tidak pernah marah kepadaku kalau aku masuk ke kamarmu tanpa mengetuk. Aku tahu sekarang kau lagi sensitif karena kau baru putus dengan pacarmu yang tercinta itu. Bersikaplah dewasa sedikit.” “Aku rasa kau harus keluar dari kamarku, Iz.” “Alexander Lightwood,” ia berjalan mendekatiku dan menarikku hingga aku terduduk. “Isabelle,” a...

A Little Story behind My Writing

Hi there! Kalau kalian udah baca about me di sini , tentunya kalian tau kalau aku suka banget sama nulis. Awalnya cuma nulis puisi-puisi curahan hati aja di binder, tapi lama kelamaan jadi lebih suka nulis cerita. Kemarin iseng aja nyari binder tersebut. Kirain udah hilang entah ke mana, eh taunya terselip di antara buku-buku kuliah. Binder bersejarah Puisi pertama Binder tersebut merupakan tempat mencurahkan apa yang ada di hati dan kepala. Kebanyakan isi dari binder itu sih, ya puisi. Cerpennya cuma ada dua dan fanfic ada satu. Bedanya dengan sekarang, aku kebanyakan nulis cerita dalam Bahasa Inggris. Aku ngambil jurusan Sastra Inggris dan dari awal semester diwajibkan untuk nulis semua paper dalam bahasa Inggris. Di sini pulalah aku pertama kali nulis cerita pendek pake bahasa Inggris . Dan kalau disuruh nulis pake bahasa Indonesia, hasilnya pasti kaku banget kayak postingan ini. Lol. Puisi ke-sekian Fanfic  pertama aku merupakan cerita yang aku karang bu...

Fourth Semester: Will I Miss It?

It's been more than one year since I posted my last post. What's up, guys?  You've already read the title of this post and I believe you know what I am going to tell. My fourth semester has come to the end and I am so happy I can pass through this semester. You know what, this semester has become the hardest semester for me. Yep! Quizzes, assignments, presentations, and exams made my head exploded. However, my 4th semester was not only full with that kind of stuff. Here are some moments I want to share with you and find out whether I'll miss this semester or not. The 2016 AEO (Asian English Olympics) This is one of the best moments in my life! I joined a Newscasting Competition that was held by one of the public university in Jakarta and it was really huge.  All participants were really great and at the moment, I felt insecure (don't get me wrong, I always feel this anytime I join a competition or some kind of workshop/training). But when I think ...